Unveiling the Growth Journey: Your Baby Weight Chart By Month In Kg : 0-12 Age

Baby Weight Chart By Month In Kg

When a baby is born, it is first known by weighing the baby  whether it is healthy or not. What should be the Baby Weight Chart, it is very important for everyone to know. In this article what should be the baby weight chart by month.

In India about 30% of parents are not so active about their baby's weight.

It should not happen that you do not take your baby's weight at birth in kg.


Baby Weight Chart By Month .

Age Weight In Kg For Boy Weight In Kg For Girl
00 2.5 - 4.3 2.4 - 4.2
01 3.4 - 5.7 3.2 - 5.4
02 4.4 - 7.0 4.0 - 6.5
03 5.1 - 7.9 4.6 - 7.4
04 5.6 - 8.6 5.1 - 8.1
05 6.1 - 9.2 5.5 - 8.7
06 6.4 - 9.7 5.8 - 9.2
07 6.7 -10.2 6.1 - 9.6
08 7.0 - 10.5 6.3 - 10.0
09 7.2 - 10.9 6.6 - 10.4
10 7.4 - 11.5 6.8 - 10.7
11 7.5 - 11.5 7.0 - 11.0
12 7.8 - 11.8 7.1 -11.3
2 Year Baby Girl Weight Chart

Baby weight at birth

According to medical guidelines, the baby 's weight at birth should be 2.5 to 3 kg. of a normal Baby is a healthy baby sign. 

The normal weight of the baby at birth. In the next 10 to 12 days, his weight was 2.5 or 3 kg, he will be less.

There is a chance of losing 10% of the weight that is gained at birth.

This simple fix happens only in children. If it is less than 10%, then it is necessary to see a doctor in such a situation. In 10 to 15 days, if the child is normal, then his weight will again be 3 kg, which was at birth. This is a simple child's estimate according to the accounting baby weight chart By month.

How much overweight is healthy?

After 14 days, the weight of the survivor increases by 25 to 30 grams daily for the next 3 months. After 3 months, the weight of the remaining for the next 6 months is 20 grams. From 6 months to 9 months, the baby's th grows up to 15 grams. This is an approximate figure, it does not have any fixed ratio, it may be slightly up or down. Baby weight gain per month 0 to 3 month 700-800g 3 to 6 month 500-600 6 to 9 month 400g

Normal weight for 2 month old baby

The estimated weight of a 2-month-old baby is estimated to be 4.5 kg to 6.75 kg. When the baby turns 2 months old. There doesn't seem to be much difference in weight.
This time is the beginning of the baby's weight gain. By watching this, you can keep in mind the development of your child.
If your baby is gaining weight, how much is it increasing? It is in kg as per Indian baby weight chart.

When should baby weight Normal baby weight is taken at birth. If the child is admitted in the hospital, the second time his weight is taken 24 hours after birth or after 72 hours. If the child is normal. After that the weight is taken after 10 to 14 days. When he has his first doctor visit. The fourth weight is taken when he is about 1.5 months old. After that, when he is vaccinated, he will be weighed only at 6 months. Birth time

  • 24 To 72 hours
  • 10 to 15 days
  • 40 to 45 days
  • Baby 6 month old
  • Vaccinetion time

Affect baby's weight The weight of all the children does not remain the same according to the chart, everyone would have been different. The weight of a child is more or less up and down. You just have to see that the child does not have any symptoms of any disease. You have been taking advice from your doctor, according to the weight chart, the weight of the child is increasing or decreasing. What does the baby's weight depend on?

  • Genetic cause
The weight of the child depends on the health of the parents. If the parents are thin, then the child will also be of the same type, this is seen in most cases.

  • Effect of location
The difference of the place of birth of the child is also seen, there is an effect of the environment in an area. His children are found only with less weight. According to the weight, their height is also less. Like the people living in hilly areas always have less height.
  • Effect of diet in pregnancy
The effect of the food taken by the mother and the care taken during pregnancy is also visible in the weight of the child.
The effect of the food taken by the mother and the care taken during pregnancy is also visible in the weight of the child.
  • Effect of disease
Children's weight is affected due to some disease such as diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease
Children's weight is affected due to some disease such as diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease

5th month baby weight

When the baby enters 6 months, its weight is the birth weight. He should weigh twice as much. If it was 2.5 weight at birth, it should be more than 5 kg in 6 months. If it is less, then it should be kept under doctor's care, besides taking some precautions. 

9 to 12 month baby weight chart

The weight of the child at birth is twice that in 5 months.
3 times the weight of the baby from 6 to 12 months
From 12 to 24 months, the baby should be 4 times the weight
5 times the weight of a child up to 3 years old
The weight of a child up to 5 years should be 6 times
7 year old child weighs 7 times
And the weight of a 10 year old child increases 10 times

The weight of a baby  at birth should be three times its weight for a year. Suppose if the weight of the baby  was 3 kg at birth, then its weight should be around 9 kg now in 12 months baby weight 

2 year old baby girl weight in kg

In the first year, the weight of the baby  increases rapidly. But when the baby enters the second year, his weight does not increase so fast and becomes stable at one level.

By the way, it will not be so stable, it will increase in some quantity but will not increase as much as the ratio of the first year. If 2 years old baby, then its weight should be around 13 or 14 kilos.

When the baby 2 year old baby, then his weight should be about 13 or 14 fortresses.

If we see the reason behind this, if the baby  consumes mother's milk for 6 months after birth, then its weight increases quickly. And after coming in the second year, the baby  also eats something that does not affect his body so much, if seen according to weight gain.

The second reason is also seen that after coming in the second year, the baby  activity also starts increasing and they slowly start getting smarter too.

Baby weight chart during pregnancy in kilograms

When the baby is developing in the mother's stomach, then its weight depends on the food taken by the mother, because the necessary nutrition that the baby needs, he gets naturally from his mother.

We learned all this information in our baby weight chart during pregnancy

Baby boy weight chart by month in kg

So far, the average weight of newborn baby in india that we have mentioned in this article is the same for the girl and the boy, but if a boy is a baby, then his weight will be a few grams more.

The weight of a boy  from birth to 1 month is 2.5 to 4.3 kg.

Baby boy from birth to 6 months old weighs around 6.4 to 9.7 kg.

The weight from birth to 1 year is around 7.8 to 11.8 kg

We have given full details from the table below, in which we have explained the weight of 12 months and the height of the baby boy and baby girls.

Baby weight chart for girl

As we said, there is not much difference in the weight of baby boy and girl at the time of birth. As their age progresses, there is a difference in their weight.according to baby girl  weight chart calculator of a 1 year old girl from birth varies from 2.4 to 4.3 

What should be the correct way to measure weight

When a baby  is born, the way it is weighed in the hospital is the right way. But when the baby  grows up slowly and when the parents are taken for routine check-ups, then some things should be kept in mind only then the baby  is the right weight.

The parent who remains suspicious will be diagnosed. Whenever the baby  is taken for a routine test, the baby should weigh only the clothes which he is wearing or keep his clothes in very small quantities, such as weighed by removing the diaper, shoe, cap etc. 

Sometimes the weight left on the machine does not fit properly, it makes him feel uncomfortable. In such a situation, do not weigh in a hurry and weigh it completely.

How can increase baby weight and growth 

 We duly told you what the normal baby's correct weight should be. If the weight of a baby is less than this, then there is no such thing as panic in such a situation.
If it is less then it is kept under some special care. Most of the baby who come to them are born in the 6 or 7 month, which is called Premature Baby.

If the weight of the remaining normal delivery is lost, then there is some suggestion for them, which is

 -The baby lactates the mother for the first 6 month baby.

In which the 6 month baby weight depends on the mother.

-Biscuits with milk can be given to a baby from 4 to 1 year. Which will increase the growth of the baby and will also increase the weight.

-Serelc available in the market is mixed with milk.

-Roasted wheat flour containing sugar, ghee, and almonds mixed together can be given to the baby who will get the nutritious ingredients they need.

 -Do the baby's routine test with Doctors.


In this article, we have explain  from our experience Baby weight chart by month in kg

 We tell the weight of between one month baby weight 0 to 12 month baby chart in this article. Also, how can the weight of weak babies be increased.




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