What To Give As Baby Grow? | 12 Effective Fruits That Baby Growth Spurt ~ Mom Baby Care Tips

What To Give As Baby Grow? | 12 Effective Fruits That Baby Growth Spurt

 What To Give As Baby Grow?12 Effective Fruits That Baby Growth Spurt 

The question of many parents remains that which fruits should be fed to the baby growth spurt and what to give as baby grow ? 

What fruits did I give to my children, which benefited the child a lot and many experienced parents told me that these fruits will prove beneficial for your children. 
12 fruits that will be beneficial for your child's development. 

How To Beneficial Fruits For Baby

Fruits are very important for children.

Proteins, Vitamin, Carbohydrates, Calcium, Fasporas, Iron and more minerals are found in fruits.  Which proves useful for the development of children. When children are fit to eat fruits, it is very important to feed them. 

  • Fruits increase the immunity power of children.
  • Baby's bones are strong.
  • Baby's blood disorders are removed.
  • The skin of children gets more glow.
  • Digestive power is strong in baby.
Natural baby skin care

12 Best food for baby

Mango is called the king of fruits, it is sweet and juicy in food. Children like to eat mango, there are many medicinal properties present inside mango. Mango contains fibre, vitamin C, antioxidant elements which help in preventing diseases of the child. Instantly boosts the immunity of the child.

 Eating mango reduces obesity. This improves the digestion process of the child. It can also be given to children in mango food or by making juice. 


Bananas are rich in sugar, bananas are great for a baby's energy and are naturally kid-friendly.


Apple helps in easy digestion of baby food, fibre is found in it. Apples are delicious, nutritious and easy to eat, which children enjoy with pleasure. Peel the apples to make eating easier for young baby growth spurt .


Pears are less likely to eat due to the soft stomach of the baby and try to serve it by making food puree in curd due to less natural chemicals in it.


Apricots contain iron, beta-carotene, fiber, potassium which is very beneficial to give to children.


Pineapple fruit is a fibrous fruit in which calcium and iron elements are found. Which is the best fruit for the baby development.

Pineapple can be cut into small pieces and used as a snack for the child. Pineapple fruit would have been a great alternative to food puree.

 Pineapple juice can be made and given to the child. You can also make orange juice with pineapple in mix juice and give it to the baby .

  • Avocados

Avocados are an excellent source of fat, great for a baby's heart.

  • Blueberry

Blueberry is one of the fruits with the highest antioxidant abilities of the fruit, these elements are very useful for the child.

  • Peaches

Peaches help in making the child's brain healthy, it makes the child's brain sharp. Vitamin C is found in it

  • Mandarin 

Mandarin is very good for babies, it is juicy and contains potassium, which is a healthy nutrient for the child's nervous system.

  • Papaya

Papaya is a very effective fruit for children according to the health of the children. Papaya can be used for breakfast in the morning. Papaya contains minerals, they increase the immunity of children quickly.

Children have a habit of drinking less water, for that if papaya is given to the child very day, then it proves helpful in supplying water.


  • Awla (Myrrh)

Vitamin-C is found in Awala. Helps to a great extent to increase the immunity of the child's body. Bones are strengthened by the consumption of amla in the child. Are useful for the skin. 

You can use amla in different ways for the baby. Even by making amla juice for the child to be fed, Amla jam is very much liked by the children. Amla juice ready is also available in the market. 

Make fine pieces of gooseberry and dry it in the sun and make its candy and can also be given to it. You can feed Amla to the child in any way, thus increasing the baby's growth.

Amla is also used in vegetables and it can also be used as a fruit. I have considered it as a fruit because the medicinal properties it contains are very important for the health of the children

When should children be given fruits?

The question of many parents remains that from when they can start giving fruits to children. What should be the correct age of children

I started giving fruits to my girl when she is above 2 years old, then also you should keep in mind the activity of some left

  • The child's teeth have come, he will eat the fruits easily.

  • The child will understand to eat the fruits lest he is swallowing the fruits whole.

  • Let the child eat by chewing


Before 2 years, you can give the child instead of fruits by making fruit puree for the baby, which children get from fruits, they will get all that from fruit puri.

You can give the fruits to your children by making the fruits which we have suggested in the above article.

 Which fruits should avoided

By the way, all the fruits are useful for the health of the children,Children have to abstain from some fruits.

  •  Which fruit is not like your baby?  

  • If some children get fat, then they have to stop eating bananas.

  • If any fruit affects the digestive system of the child, then children have to remove it.Those fruits are going to constipate the child.

  •  If a child is suffering from a cold, then  orenges should not be given.

 There is some such information which parents should keep in mind before feeding fruits.

Know these things before the fruit blossoms

Feeding fruits to children is as important as food and milk for the child. But knowing some things is very important. Anything has both positive and negative aspects. Somebody benefits from feeding and some one gets harmed too.


In this article, we have told the 10 effective fruits that baby growth spurt , as well as which fruits are good for the health of children. Such information should be provided. 


